What Is Spirituality?

What is the difference between a spiritual and a worldly man?

        Spirituality has been an integral part of Indian culture since time immemorial. But with time the wrong use of this word went on increasing. Nowadays most of the people in the world, especially the youth, have got a kind of allergy in the name of Spirituality. The reason for this is that in reality of spirituality is being presented in a very ugly way. Nowadays people take spirituality to mean torturing themselves and living life of poverty. People have started associating this with being hungry and begging by the side of the road. And the most important thing is that people have understood spirituality to be anti-life or to escape from life. People generally believe that spiritual people are forbidden to enjoy life, and it is necessary to suffer in every way. Whereas the truth is that being spiritual has nothing to do with your outer life.

With these few signs, you will understand what is spirituality after all? And what is a spiritual person like?

        Spirituality has nothing to do with any religion, sect, philosophy, or belief. Spirituality is about how you are on the inside. To be spiritual means to be able to experience that which is beyond the physical. If you see a part of the same Supreme Being in all the creatures of the universe, which is in you, then you are spiritual. If you realize that no one else is responsible for your sorrow, your anger, your troubles but you yourself are their creator then you are on the spiritual path. Whatever work you do, if it is not only for your benefit but also for the good of all, then you are spiritual. If you have melted your ego, anger, resentment, greed and prejudices, then you are spiritual. Regardless of the external circumstances, if you are always happy and blissful within yourself, then you are spiritual. If you have the feeling of being insignificant and small in front of the vastness of this universe, then you are spiritual. If you feel gratitude towards the creation or some supreme being for what you have now, then you are moving towards the spirituality. If you have love not only for your near and dear ones, but for all people, then you are spiritual. If you have compassion for all the creatures of the Nature, then you are spiritual.
        Being spiritual means that you know from your own experience that I am the source of my own happiness. Spirituality is not something you do in a temple, mosque, or church. The spiritual process is not about looking up or down. There is no use in talking about spirituality or showing off. It is for the transformation of oneself. The spiritual process is not for the dead or the dying. It is for those who want to live life to the fullest in every aspect. The spiritual process is like a journey - Constant Change.
        We learn to love and enjoy everything along the way, but not pick it up. Spirituality is basically for the emancipation of man, to blossom into his ultimate potential. It is not to identify with any opinion or concept. Spirituality means greatly accelerating the process of your evolution. If you don't let external circumstances affect you, then you are naturally spiritual. Walking on the spiritual path means that you are moving towards liberation. No matter what your old instincts, your body, and your genes. There is oneness and uniformity in existence and every human being is unique in himself. Recognizing it and enjoying it is the essence of spirituality. A spiritual person and a worldly person, both are seeking the same Infinite-  " This is the essence of spiritual practice."
        When you are ever aware of your impermanence, then you are not distracted even in your spiritual pursuit. Thinking is the product of the mind, it is not knowledge. To be spiritual means to rise above the average – " It is the most sensible way to live." 
        For this one has to do spiritual practice for many births, Such thinking is mostly due to lack of commitment and concentration in people. “Sadhana” is a method by which the pace of spiritual growth can be accelerated with full awareness. The spiritual is neither a psychological process nor a social one – " It is all about existence."
        If you immerse yourself completely in any work, then the spiritual process starts from there, even if that work is sweeping. To know something superficially is worldliness, and to know the same thing deeply is spirituality.
